DaLastAlert 3

Documentation for DaLastAlert 3

Written by Jørgen ’Da’ Larsen. Freely distributable.

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1 DaLastAlert 3

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1.1 Introduction

Are you tired of always having troubles with finding your pen and paper just to write down the last guru you got? Now this problem is solved because I have written a ’small’ and quick program that will show not only the last guru, but also a nice hint to what caused it!

If you don’t get the point of what this program can be used to then try to read the section What Amiga Shopper wrote about LastAlert2.

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1.2 Copyright

This utility is released as FREEWARE. This means that the program, and this user manual etc. (the distribution) are freely distributable, but are also Copyright (c) Jørgen ’Da’ Larsen. The distribution must be kept together and there must only be charged a nominal fee to cover time and copying costs. Please also remember that no commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the author.

The distribution consists of:

* DaLastAlert3              - Main program
* DaLastAlert3.info         - Icon (MWB & NewIcons)

* DaLastAlert3-Check        - Starter program
* DaLastAlert3-Check.info   - Icon (MWB & NewIcons)

* DaLastAlert3.alerts       - Alerts (textfile)

* DaLastAlert3.guide        - Documentation in AmigaGuide© format
* DaLastAlert3.guide.info   - Icon
* DaLastAlert3.texinfo      - Documentation in TeXinfo format
* DaLastAlert3.texinfo.info - Icon
* DaLastAlert3.doc          - Documentation in ASCII format
* DaLastAlert3.doc.info     - Icon

* DLA3.pic                  - Example Picture
* DLA3.pic.info             - Icon

* Install-script            - Installer script 
* Install.info              - Installer icon

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1.3 Disclaimer

The author is in no way liable for any changes made to any part of the package, or consequences thereof as he is in no way liable for damages or loss of data directly or indirectly caused by this software.

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1.4 System Requirements

DaLastAlert 3 requires Kickstart and Workbench 2.0 or higher to run!

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1.5 Installation

Just press the installer icon:

Please notice that the program can be installed anywhere you want, but please read Usage if you want my opinion (This is also the default in the chosen installer scripts) where DaLastAlert 3 would have it’s best place.

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1.6 Usage


The program can either be started from Workbench (just click the icon) or from CLI/Shell with the command:


Examples: > DaLastAlert3

          > Will popup - see picture below

  or      > DaLastAlert3 $80000005
          > Will popup as above and show the below just in a juicy GUI

  or      > DaLastAlert3 $80000005 NOGUI

          > DaLastAlert v3.0c (c) 1995 Jørgen ’Da’ Larsen (Posse Pro. DK)
          > Alert Number: $80000005
          > Alert Task:   Unknown
          > Alert Name:   ACPU_DivZero
          > Spec. Alert:  Divide by zero
          > Spec. Error:  Hardware/CPU

  or      > DaLastAlert3 HELP

          > DaLastAlert v3.0c (c) 1995 Jørgen ’Da’ Larsen (Posse Pro. DK)
          > Syntax: DaLastAlert [G=GURU] [N=NOGUI] [H=HELP]
          > Try:    DaLastAlert $80000004
          >  or     DaLastAlert $80000004 NOGUI

   | | DaLastAlert 3                                          | |
   |                                                            |
   | Alert Number :  0x80000005                                 |
   | Alert Task   :  0x0800DDE8                                 |
   |  ——————————————————-   |
   | Alert Name   :  ACPUG_DivZero                              |
   | Spec. Alert  :  Hardware/CPU                               |
   | Spec. Error  :  Divide by zero                             |
   |                                                            |
   |                 _________________________________________  |
   | Alert Number : |_________________________________________| | -+
   |                                                            |  |
   |————————————————————|  |
   |                                                            |  |
   |      About              Last alert            Quit         |  |
   |                                                            |  |
   +————————————————————+  |
            |                    |                  |              |
            |                    |                  |              |
    Show —+       Shows the —+          Quit!—+     Input —+
    about           last alert                            string
    requester       again

DaLastAlert3 also reads ENV:DaLastAlert that tells DaLastAlert3 where look for the textfile that contains the alert descriptions (Default: ’S:DaLastAlert3.alert’).


The alert number shown by pressing ’Last alert’ will of course be meaningless if you haven’t had any Software failure’s since you turned your system on.


If you can’t get a postive reaction from DaLastAlert-Check it’s probably because you haven’t had a Guru/Software failure lately. If you have had a Guru/Software failure then the string defined as EXEC will be executed.

The program can either be started from Workbench (just click the icon) or from CLI/Shell. The options are as follows:

WB Options

EXEC - Where to find DaLastAlert3

Example:  > EXEC=sys:Utilities/DaLastAlert3  (This is also the default)

CLI Options

DaLastAlert3-Check [EXEC]

Examples: > DaLastAlert3-Check
          > Executes sys:Utilities/DaLastAlert3

  or      > DaLastAlert3-Check c:DaLastAlert3 

          > Executes c:DaLastAlert3

My suggestion to make DaLastAlert 3 as efficient as possible will be to place DaLastAlert3-Check in the WBStartup drawer (or maybe in the Startup-sequence) as this will allow you to recieve information on the last guru.

If you follow my suggestion you will be free from troubles, like where’s my pen and I am out of paper, every time a guru pops up.

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1.7 Bugs

DaLastAlert 3 have been tested on these configurations:

Amiga 2000

A2000, GVP G-Force 030 50MHz, MMU, FPU

Amiga 1200


Amiga 1200


Amiga 1200

BLIZZARD 1220/4 28.5MHz, NO FPU, 2 MB CHIP, 4 MB FAST.

Amiga 1200

M1230XA 40MHz, NO MMU, NO FPU, 2 MB CHIP, 8 MB FAST, Overdrive HD.

Amiga 1200

M1230XA 50MHz, MMU, NO FPU, 2 MB CHIP, 8 MB FAST (My Amiga).

I cannot find any (more) bugs in DaLastAlert 3 but i am sure you can. If you find a bug PLEASE fillout the bugreport formular below (orginal made by Dave Haynie) and send it to me (see About for address).


Your Configuration:

  [] A500     []A1000     []A2500      []A1200      []CDTV/CD32
  [] A600     []A2000     []A3000      []A4000      []Other

  KS Version___________   RAM__________   Other HW__________________

  WB Version___________   HD___________   HD Controller_____________

Please explain the problem as completely as possible:

  File System Version/Type__________________________________________

  ScreenMode________________________  Font__________________________

  []Shell/CLI     []Workbench         Locale________________________

  Problem:   []Full Lockup    []GURU/Crash

  Steps to see this problem?________________________________________



  Other Comments____________________________________________________



  Bug found by (address)____________________________________________




If you have Enforcer active while running DaLastAlert 3 you will get some ’Enforcer Hits’ because DaLastAlert 3 makes LONG-READs at $100 and $104.( This is no BUG :P ).

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1.8 Program History

Version 1.0

Version 2.0

Version 2.1

Version 3.0a

Version 3.0b

Version 3.0c

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1.9 About


If you want to contact the author of this program then write to this address:

            Mail:   Jørgen ’Da’ Larsen (Posse Pro. DK)
                    Carl Blochs Vej 20
                    9000 Aalborg

            E-mail: dapp@iesd.auc.dk

Or try my WWW-Homepage:

            URL:    http://nano.iesd.auc.dk/80/~dapp/ 


Please write if you have some remarks, suggestions or if you have found some @ref{bugs} in the program (you are also welcome to send me a modem, bike, FPU, car, house or maybe just a note saying that you like the program).


Søren Staun-Pedersen

ßetatester. The maker of DaLastAlert3-Check and DaLastAlert3 icons.

Claus Nyhus Chr.


Anders F.


Wouter van Oortmerssen

Amiga E, EDBG, EasyGUI....

Greetings ( Randomized )

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1.10 What Amiga Shopper wrote about LastAlert2

Amiga Shopper wrote the following about LastAlert2 in issue 46 (February 1995):


From Subscripers coverdisk description:

“LastAlert2 is very useful utility indeed. It will tell you the Guru number of your machine after it has crashed. Once the folder has been unarchived double-click on the install icon and the files will be copied to the appropriate directories. By default LastAlert2 will be copied to your WBStartup drawer. This means that if you machine crashes the program will be run as soon as the machine resets. It will produce a requester that informs of number the offending Guru.”


From inside the magazine on page 78:

“If there is one thing that is guaranteed to turn even the most sane Amiga-user into to an irrational, salivating wild beast it’s a system crash. When this happens it’s a good idea to make a note of the guru number that is flashed on screen. Unfortunately the average human is unlikely to be in a state of mind that will facilitate the execution of such a complex action. During these moments of debilitating rage you will certainly benefit from a program like LastAlert2.

LastAlert2 is a Wb2+ program that will record the last message displayed by you machine. This will give you the opportunity to take note of this number while you are in a more... chemically balanced state-of-mind.”

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